All posts filed under: Life

The Best Is Yet To Come

I recently read a story about a woman named Noelle Hancock. Four years ago, Noelle decided that she was sick of her life and felt lonely staring at computer screens all day, never being able to meet up with her friends because everyone was living such a hectic life. Living in New York, working as a journalist who was making $95,000 a year, she decided this couldn’t be it for her. She packed up her things, quit her job and moved to an island in the Caribbean. She writes about how she was so much happier when she got a job as an ice-cream scooper for $10 an hour, where she would spend her days working with her hands and meeting the locals. When her shift ended each day, she was free to do whatever she wanted because she was actually done her work which is something that didn’t happen back in New York. This is something I can totally relate to. This article was posted on and instantly became viral. People were thrilled …

Changing Things Up

So I have this thing where I like to be creative. I am sure if you know me you probably already knew this. And I am sure if you don’t actually know me, you can probably tell by the way I run my site. Besides my love for writing I am actually “pretty ok” at a lot of things. Pretty ok = me being able to be better than the average person at many things, but still not an expert in any of it.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Go To Vegas

It’s been a bit quiet at She Does The World and my apologizes for this! It’s been another one of those life changing times in my life that I wasn’t really sure what to do other then lay around and pretend that I had my shit together. Guess what!? I don’t. But who really does? The month of January was a tough one for me. It began in Kenya and it was amazing and life was good. But when I returned home to Toronto I certainly experienced some reverse culture shock and struggled to not always be thinking of Kenya. Those thoughts weighed on my mind so much that it left me feeling emotionally drained. When I feel any bit of uneasy in my life I start to feel sick which is a nice little thing my body does to kick my ass. Any sign of sadness or stress = me feeling tired and unable to go about my day to day life. MS is a bitch like that. And then that life changing moment …

Looking Back at 2014

It’s hard to believe but eleven months ago I wrote about how this was going to be the best year ever. Today, I am pleased to say that the year 2014 lived up to what it was supposed to be. It has definitely been the best year I’ve had the privilege of living. Of course this year came with many ups and downs as any year does, but I felt in control of my own happiness which is something I am so happy I’ve discovered.

Collect Moments, Not Things

I posted a little travel quote on my facebook page (which you should totally go and like!!) the other day and it got me thinking about my travel memories that I have created and how lucky I am to have created them. My favorite memories in my life are always those unplanned, spontaneous, and exciting moments that I just don’t get in my regular day to day life.

Today was a bad day. It was one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days that Alexander describes. Work is incredibly tough right now, and my health has been causing me way to many issues this week. This leads to me being incredibly stressed out and today lead to me crying at work. Ewww.