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Waking Up In Vegas

It finally happened. I did that thing that so many North American twenty-something’s have to do at some point. This past February, I lost my Vegas virginity, and it was so much more fun than I ever expected!!

To be honest, I was a little nervous about going to Vegas. My university friends and I get together once a year normally every February , and it all centers around a special day here in Canada: Hockey Day in Canada or HDIC for short. As I am sure you have guessed it HDIC is a day where hockey is played all day. Many Canadian’s take this day very seriously as they pound back the beers with their buddies and watch hockey all. day. long. The females in my group of friends normally take the day to get together and drink but do it without watching the hockey . We like to call this HVAG. Classy, I know.

This year we decided to take it on the road and we packed our bags and headed to Vegas over Valentine’s Day weekend. The reason I was a little nervous about going is I had just returned home from Kenya where so many Kenyan’s have absolutely nothing and I was heading to a city known for having absolutely everything!

My nervousness quickly disappeared when I arrived at 11:00am and the sun was shining so brightly on my very very white Canadian winter skin. I quickly grabbed a drink and waited for my friends to meet up with me. I could already tell this trip was going to be awesome because Vegas is just simply awesome.

Before heading to Vegas I was warned about a few things. Now, normally when I travel people like to offer their advice and opinions on these places if they have been there. I usually never agree with what people tell me once I experience it first hand, but Vegas was a little different. It was all very true.

So, as is tradition from anyone who loses their Vegas virginity, I want to pass down my wisdom and knowledge to my readers before you head out on that truly epic Vegas vacation you’re about to go on:

  • It’s very easy to get drunk in Vegas. Be careful of those massive slushy drinks being drank by the pool. 2pm day drunks can be fun, but you’ve got like another 10-12 hours of partying to do, so take it easy. Or you could be like me and my girlfriends and stuff your face with some MacDonald’s to sober up a bit.
  • Prostitution is real and if you are not careful you could end up being asked to come back to a hotel and be provided anything you want in exchange for the company. This question can come from both the men that want your company and the actual prostitutes themselves. Believe me, this was a thing.
  • Speaking of the men, I was warned that morals go out the window for men when they go to Vegas. Now, I am not saying all men are like this but believe me when I say some men with wedding rings don’t give a shit if they are married in Vegas. Maybe just try to stay away from bachelor parties. They tend to be filled with men who have way too much money to spend on anything but their wives they left back home.
  • If you’re going to gamble, try to be sober. There are sharks that swoop in when they know you’re drunk or an amateur. They play nice and “try to teach you the game”, but they really are just trying to win your money.
  • A big appeal of Vegas is the cool hotel room you can stay in. But to be honest, my friends and I stayed in a low key hotel on strip (i.e just a normal hotel room), and it did the trick while leaving us much more money to spend on food, drinks and entertainment. You can get cheaper deals on websites like or other budget travel websites. FYI: We stayed at Balley’s and I paid about $150 for the whole weekend. (3 nights)
  • Take in Vegas show! Ah! One of the best things about the trip was when we went to see Absinthe. Think Cirque du Soleil with profanity, sex and lots of Nazi jokes. Not for those without a sense of humor. It’s currently playing at Caesars Palace. Make sure you budget for this as shows are expensive but well worth it. And check online for coupons, they exist and why would you want to waste any more money then you have to?
  • Don’t be surprised to see kids in Vegas/ don’t bring your kids to Vegas. I wish this wasn’t a thing but Vegas is filled with kids. It’s totally not appropriate considering everyone is drunk and sex is screaming out of every corner of the strip.

Ok, I could go on forever with tips and tricks but I want to leave some of Vegas as a surprise to you. All I really have to say is if you are considering going to Vegas, GO! This type of travel is not something I normally do but I have to tell you, I truly had such a great time. I have no idea how we will top HDIC/HVAG next year.

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